The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has officially released the admit card for the Simultala Awasiya Vidyalaya (Class VI) Mains Test 2025. Students appearing for the exam for the academic session 2025-2026 can now download their admit cards online. The exam is a crucial step for admission into the prestigious Simultala Awasiya Vidyalaya.
- The admit card is available on the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board.
- Students need their registration details to access and download the admit card.
- The Mains Test is scheduled for the selection process of Class VI students.
- The admit card contains essential details like the exam date, time, venue, and instructions.
- Carrying the admit card to the examination hall is mandatory.
To download the admit card:
- Visit the official website: BSEB.
- Enter the required login credentials.
- Download and print the admit card for future reference.
Students must ensure all the details on the admit card are correct. For any discrepancies, contact the authorities immediately. Preparing well and adhering to the exam guidelines will help candidates perform confidently.