IIT Guwahati invites applications for 2024 recruitment across various positions


Nov 26, 2024 | General News

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati has announced multiple recruitment opportunities for 2024, inviting applications for various faculty and non-teaching positions. Prospective candidates can find detailed information, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and salary structures, on the official IIT Guwahati recruitment page:

  • Faculty Positions: Openings are available across several departments, including Chemistry, Design, Mathematics, Physics, and specialized schools such as the Jyoti and Bhupat Mehta School of Health Sciences and Technology, and the Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. 
  • Non-Teaching Positions: Vacancies include roles such as Registrar, Medical Officer, Junior Accountant, and various project-based positions. Comprehensive details and application forms are provided on the non-teaching recruitment
  • Application Process:

  • Online Submission: Candidates are required to submit their applications through the respective online portals provided in the advertisements.
  • Deadlines: Application deadlines vary by position. Applicants should refer to the specific advertisements for exact dates.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Faculty Positions: Candidates must possess relevant educational qualifications, experience, and research credentials as specified in the individual advertisements.
  • Non-Teaching Positions: Eligibility requirements differ per role; applicants should consult the detailed job descriptions for precise criteria.

For further information and to apply, please visit the official IIT Guwahati recruitment page: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.


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