Jamia Millia Islamia invites applications for a one-year Urdu language course


Nov 26, 2024 | General News

Jamia Millia Islamia University announces the opening of applications for its one-year Urdu language course. Interested students must send a self-addressed 24×12 cm envelope, duly stamped with a Rs 10 postage stamp, to the university at the specified address.

The course promotes proficiency in Urdu, targeting individuals aiming to enhance their skills in communication, literature, and cultural studies. Applications must be submitted promptly to ensure enrollment.

Key Points:

  • Course Duration: One year.
  • Application Requirement: Self-addressed envelope with Rs 10 postage stamp.
  • Objective: Enhance proficiency in Urdu communication and literature.

For more details, visit: Jamia Millia Islamia Website.


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